วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 19 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2558



SeeFood Poster.jpg

SeeFood (Also known as Sea Level in USA[1]) is Malaysia's first 3D animated movie in English. The film is produced by Silver Antand released in Malaysian cinemas beginning 8 March 2012.
SeeFood was first launched in Poland on 7 October 2011. It received financial support from Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (Malaysia) (MOSTI) and also Multimedia Development Corporation (MDeC).


It starts with Julius, a large shark, chasing Pup, but then we see that he was only pretending to hunt him. They come upon and speak about the amazing number of shark egg sacks lying on Pup's reef. Later, while Julius is off chasing a school of fish, two human divers suddenly appear to steal the shark egg sacks from the reef. Pup does everything he can to fend them off; almost being captured himself, but in the end the divers speed back to shore with all the eggs.
In the next scene, which begins with a factory polluting the ocean, Myrtle, a sea turtle, suffocating from a plastic bag around her head, but she finally frees herself of it. The bag drops further down to where Spin, a stingray, was swimming around and he later grab a discarded restaurant menu with his tail. Later on, he throw it to Julius's three Pilot fish servants who will open the menu and show him there are other varieties of food, especially chickens, which are only found on land. But this is actually a plan of Spin and Myrtle to get rid of Julius. She and the fish bring him to a nearby beach, where Julius tries to eat a hen called Heather. He's nearly stranded on the land, but is able to make it back into the water.
We are also introduced to a group of sinister looking bottom dwellers led by a giant Moray eel portrayed with evil intentions, having animated red eyes which remind us of the red glowing light we saw at the factory. They all seem to enjoy the polluted water as the dark and murky stuff is ever expanding upward.
After the incident with the eggs, Pup struggles to come up with a way to save his brothers and sisters. While trying to think of a way, his friend, Octo, shows up and brings Pup to an old sunken ship where Octo keeps his inventions, trying to find a way to easily travel far away. Pup and he have a brief adventure which was fun for Pup, but he's soon brooding over the fate of his family again.
There's a scene where Julius learns what it is like to be hunted. He's out chasing more fish, but is suddenly caught on a large hook and hauled up onto a boat where a group of men attempt to cut off his fins and kill him! It's only due to the rough seas and crashing waves that he's able to jump back into the ocean.
Not long after, Pup has already decided he must rescue his brothers and sisters, and he pleads with Octo to build him a machine which would allow him to travel on land, but Octo refuses to do so. When Pup begins to swim back to his reef, Spin grabs him and they both listen covertly to Octo and Myrtle talking. Pup learns that he can actually breathe on land (being portrayed as a young Brown-banded Bamboo shark; which have been known to survive up to 12 hours out of the water). Spin had earlier shown Pup where the two divers were located, so he soon crawls up on the beach and heads inland towards them.
After suspecting that Spin has some plan involving Pup, Myrtle confronts him with Julius, and Spin spills what he knows. But it is too late, Pup had already gone up to a beach. When Julius learns what Pup has done, he immediately goes to Octo for help. After pleading for a some time, Octo finally agrees to help Julius by completing a machine that will enable Julius to walk and breathe on land. (We later learn that Octo's motive for helping was to get rid of Julius, since he believes the shark would eventually eat them.) After the machine is built, Julius and his three Pilot fish servants enter it, and it is launched like a missile onto the land.
In the meantime, Pup had already found and gotten inside the shack where the divers were storing the shark eggs in some water-filled bins; one of which he has to hide in when the owner, a mean abusive man, who hunts sharks, returns.
Julius and the three Pilot fish crash land at a chicken farm where they meet the roosters and the hen that Julius had tried to eat. When the roosters realize that Julius is the shark who tried to kill Heather, they chase after and finally disable it from walking, then roll it to the diver's shack where the humans pull it in and secure it to the floor.
While this was taking place, Pup rescued his brothers and sisters from the shack and made it back into the ocean with a bit of help from Myrtle at the very end. But when Pup realizes that Julius is now in trouble, he goes back to find Julius. He quite literally runs into the roosters and hen. After telling them he'd never seen Julius eat anything but tires, they change their minds and decide to help Pup free Julius. With a great deal of help from a rope-cutting and plate-throwing crab, Julius, now joined by Pup, escape in the machine with the chickens riding on top of it.
However, the man in a 'beach buggy' followed by his young helpers on motorcycles catch up to them. The chickens disable the two boys, and although numerous crabs attack the man, he still continues to pursue Julius and at one point takes Pup captive just as Julius in the machine and an army of crabs are about to crush and assault him. Now he speeds off with Pup as Julius pursues him. While his buggy is bombarded by cocoanuts launched from bent over trees by the crabs, he loses his grip on Pup, who is caught by Julius.
While the rescue of Julius and the ensuing chase were taking place, Octo, having realized that the black waste being dumped into the sea was not only about to ruin their habitat, but also allow the hostile bottom dwellers to take over, he decides to do something about it: He picks up some mines from a sunken warship, and with the aid of Spin and Myrtle, pushes them into the large pipes of the factory.
The chase comes to a dramatic end when the man who was trying to shoot at Julius loses control of the buggy and it flies up a broken pier then down onto the mines, destroying the factory. Miraculously, he survives the explosion, only to be arrested by the police for causing much damage to boats and kites and possible injuries to dozens of people on the beach, not to mention possibly being held responsible for destruction of the factory.
Julius returns to the reef and forces all the sinister bottom dwellers off it and back down into their deep dark crevices. The last scene shows the three roosters inside the machine that Octo built, floating on the ocean. One pulls on some control, breaking it, then the machine starts heading down into the ocean while another yells: To boldly go where no chicken has gone before!

